The news this morning mentioned a man in the USA who a) won the lottery and then b) died within 28 days due to a health issue.

Let’s hope he had a great life, let’s hope winning the lottery was just a high five in the grand scale of his life.  Perhaps his family will enjoy what he could not now they have his winnings.

I remember when I won the lottery “you’re the winner” the lady said, and I had never felt such a jolt, such an OMG moment and then she handed me the $23.75 (my winnings).  I then realised that I was A winner and not The winner.  I have no recollection of how I spent the winnings, dog food or a bottle of wine perhaps?  However, I do remember (vaguely) that moment when I had gone from no expectation of winning to, “could this really be happening?” And no it was not happening from a big scale perspective, it was just still a win.

Ok we cannot control what happens, we can only control how we feel about it.  That moment that day was a real ha ha for me – I’m sure it happened before the Alanis song (below), however that song really summed it up – and yes I remember the comments re the meaning of Irony and how this may well miss the mark – however it pretty much summed it up for me that day.

Alanis Morissette


Viktor Frankl’s “Man’s Search for Meaning” (in my humble opinion one of the best books ever, tough and gut wrenching, but just incredible), I digress, and it shows how we feel about something is the only thing we can control, I need to remember that.

Viktor Frankl